You Are Not The Product

Like a Parisian model

Wearing next season’s garbage bag

On a runway

So is the Christian.

The garbage bag is the product

Not the model.

The Christian is a coat hanger

Of flesh

Displaying the designers expertise.

The gospel of grace is flaunted,

We strut our proclamation.

Not that we are whole,

but that we are loved when broken.

I’m no Parisian,

But I am a beggar

Who has found his bread.

The bread is the product,

So let us feast with joy,

Mouthfuls of joyful grace.

The gospel was made for eating,

I was not.

Don’t devour me.

Don’t eat the fork.

Only Jesus saves!

I am a platform upon

which that message is played out.

If you watch me,

You paid too much for your tickets.

We are not the product.

We are the bony frame that

Our Saviour displays his glory in.

So if you sin and fall back

Feel less guilt for betrayal,

Because grace abounds all the more.

Like a crash-proof car,

Crashing isn’t ideal, but

It proves the point.

Glorious grace applied liberally

on my sinful flesh for all to see.

Take a load off,

Because you are not the product.

Don’t plate yourself up.

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