Fumbling for static feelings
Searching for true words
I want to feel loss
But there’s too much to do
I’m losing you
Gripping tighter
Doesn’t slow down the loss
I want to be still
But there’s too much to do
Just pause for a minute
Can everything stop?!
Stop leaving
Stop fading
Let me linger with my Dad
A little longer
Where is he?
Is he still here?
Can someone ask over the microphone
“There’s a boy here
Looking for his Dad”
Nothing stopped
I think it’s speeding up
Where’s my Dad?
I think I saw him!
Is that him?
He’s gone…
One day
Soon I hope
There’s a big hug coming
A big bear hug
And I’ll see that smile
Backlit by conscious pride
Oh! What a day
Of rejoicing
That will be
Come, Lord Jesus
Hasten the day
You give us victory
Over these tears